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Designed for Nature Garden Tour
Saturday, 15 June 2024
Why June? The weather is generally moderate. And native plants of the summer season are beginning to come into bloom. Last Saturday I was at the Environmental Education Center in Basking Ridge, New Jersey where there is a native plant garden and wetlands in front of the building.
Milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, popular with monarch butterfly caterpillars.
Northern blue flag iris, Iris versicolor, happy when growing with wet feet.
Blue false indigo, Baptisia australis, aka rattlebush, for the clattering seed in their dry pods.
Today I'm off on a garden tour. Organized by the Woman's National Farm & Garden Association, Bucks Branch, in partnership with Bowman's Hill Wild Flower Preserve. To quote the event's description: "Local residential gardens in transition to the use of native plants and creative water management."
The gardens on today's tour are in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Four are conveniently adjacent to each other. Since they are in town they are more modest in size. The fifth, larger garden is an outlier. Open from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. it is easy to schedule visits. Attendees are welcome to sequence their visits however they prefer.
Designed For Nature: Garden of Pattie and Bob Carrier
Designed For Nature: Garden of Nancy Deni
Designed for Nature: Garden of Lisa and Michael Moscherosch
Designed for Nature: Garden of Christopher and Helen Round
image copyright Wm P Woodall all rights reserved
Designed for Nature: Garden of Greg and Gianina Dixon
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